awww...eating lunch on the back porch so he watch big brother and sister play...he LOVES them!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Our summer has been wonderful! i can't believe it's already September. Last month John Campbell turned one...and started walking. He walks all over the place now with his dimply legs....he is so cute!!! Man i love that little guy so much. Sometimes I just can't believe I get to be mommy to my sweet babies!
Anyway today was a lot of fun. We went to a little friends birthday party this morning and ben and millie had a great time. When we got home, after lunch and millie and john campbell's nap, william, kaleigh, sam, and gracie came over and played outside for a while. It's so fun seeing them all growing up....the girls were screaming while i drove them on the golf cart as the boys ran after them with a sword, gun, and a shovel! (not sure what the plan was with the shovel:)
Tonight when i put ben to bed i said " i love you ben"...and he said" i love you sweetie pie."....such a stinker....i'm laughing just typing that.
Those will be some great memories to cherish. They grow up so fast.